TLai Enterprises Media Design

Modeling Fonts

US Air Force, US Navy/Marine Aircraft Marking Fonts, Military Stencil and Carrier Deck Numerals Fonts from TLai Enterprises


There's a remarkable sense of accomplishment in modeling a piece of history, whether it be an F-14 Tomcat, a Casablanca-class escort carrier, or a state of the art Global Hawk unmanned recon drone.

That's why modelers and designers of all ages and backgrounds put their best into their work, whether it be a computer model, a 1/72 scale kit, or even a full-size scratchbuilt film prop!

Model Phoenix AIM-54A missile.
Phoenix AIM-54A missile model rocket, built by B. Williams.
Decals designed by E. David using MD Military Stencil A.

For dedicated modeling enthusiasts and professionals, we offer several military aircraft-related scalable Macintosh and PC fonts to help add that essential touch.

AmarilloUSAF and LongBeachUSN were mentioned in the November 1999 issue of FineScale Modeler!

Current Modeling Fonts:
AmarilloUSAF is a reproduction of the lettering used for current US Air Force aircraft. This font follows the 45 degree style of lettering with several types of dashes. (Shareware)
AmarilloUSAF Pro is an enhanced version of AmarilloUSAF, adding 24 new additional alternate letters and numbers for historical accuracy.
LongBeachUSN is a reproduction of the modern lettering used for US Navy and Marine aircraft since the 1950s. This font follows the 30 degree/90 degree style of lettering.
MD Military Stencil A is a general-purpose stencil font based on the stenciling used on US military aircraft.

MD Carrier Deck Numerals is made up of a set of fonts (Regular and Outline) based on the deck lettering of US Navy escort and fleet carriers of WWII.
These fonts can be used to create
accurate lettering in the form of:
  • Custom DecalsFor use with scale models. (See the Modeling Reference Links page.)
  • IllustrationsFor storyboarding, artwork, manuals, and aircraft illustrations.
  • Vinyl LetteringTo be used on film props at scale and full-size (aircraft, missiles, etc.)
  • 3D Decal MapsFor computer models used in games, film, and advanced technology simulations.
If you have any other uses, send a description in,
and we'll post a link to your site!